Some of my answers on Quora were featured online by Forbes Magazine, The Huffington Post, Apple News and other media outlets. I also wrote a couple of articles for non-peer reviewed magazines:
- On Modified Gravity, Viktor T. Toth, invited Letter to the Editor in Inference: International Review of Science, Vol. 6, No. 1, April 2021, DOI: 10.37282/991819.21.12
- A rádiójelekbe merülő világ (The world swallowed by radio waves -- in Hungarian), L. Viktor Toth and Viktor T. Toth, Élet és Tudomány 2020/43, pp. 1360-1362.
- What is Dark Matter, Apple News, July 1, 2019; also as What Is Dark Energy, Forbes Tech, July 9, 2019
- Have We Ever Explored a Black Hole? This Answer Will Surprise You, Apple News, April 1, 2019; also as What Would It Take To Send A Probe All The Way To A Black Hole?, Forbes Tech, April 26, 2019
- Why Has More Than One Person Solved Einstein's Equations?, Mental Floss, March 13, 2019
- Why Is The Andromeda Galaxy Moving Towards Us If The Universe Is Expanding?, Forbes Tech, February 21, 2019; also as How Is the Andromeda Galaxy Moving Towards Us If the Universe Is Expanding?, Apple News, March 20, 2019
- How Many Light Years Away From the Sun Are We?, Mental Floss, February 6, 2019
- When And How Will Our Sun Eventually Die?, Forbes Tech, January 9, 2019; also as Will the Sun Ever Stop Shining?, Apple News, January 14, 2019 and as Will the Sun Ever Stop Shining?, Mental Floss, January 14, 2019
- Does Sound Travel Faster or Slower in Space?, Mental Floss, October 22, 2018
- Why Is The Big Bang Theory Taught If It's Just A Theory?, Forbes Tech, October 11, 2018
- In The Distant Future, All Black Holes In The Universe Will Share The Same Fate, Forbes Tech, September 28, 2018; also as What Is the Life Span of a Black Hole?, Apple News, October 19, 2018
- Could A City-Destroying Asteroid Ever Hit Earth Without Being Detected?, Forbes Tech, September 13, 2018; also as Could a Comet Hit Earth Without Detection?, Apple News, September 13, 2018
- How Do We Verify Facts About Black Holes?, Forbes Tech, August 14, 2018; also as How Do We Know That Black Holes Exist?, Apple News, August 25, 2018
- Does Anything Other Than Light Travel At The Speed Of Light?, Forbes Tech, July 2, 2018; also as Does Anything Travel Faster Than Light?, Apple News, July 6, 2018
- Will There Ever Be Cell Phones That Don't Emit Radiation?, Forbes Tech, June 8, 2018; also as Will There Ever Be Cell Phones That Don't Emit Radiation?, Apple News, June 12, 2018
- How Do We Know The Universe Is Infinite?, Forbes Tech, May 23, 2018; also as Is the Universe Infinite?, Apple News, May 23, 2018
- What Does It Mean When Particles Are 'Entangled'?, Forbes Tech, April 10, 2018; also as A Simple Explanation of Quantum Entanglement, Apple News, April 18, 2018
- Will Quantum Physics Ever Replace the Theory of Relativity?, Apple News, February 28, 2018
- What's Wrong With Newtonian Gravity?, Forbes Tech, February 8, 2018; also as Why Aren't Newtonian Gravity and General Relativity Compatible?, Apple News, February 8, 2018
- Why Are Hydrogen And Helium The Most Abundant Elements In The Universe?, Forbes Tech, January 29, 2018; also as Why Are Hydrogen and Helium the Most Abundant Elements?, Apple News, January 31, 2018; and as Pourquoi l'hydrogène et l'hélium sont-ils les éléments les plus communs de l'Univers?, Slate FR, January 12, 2019
- How Accurate Is the Term ‘Theory of Everything’ in Physics?, Huffington Post, January 10, 2018; also as What Does The 'Theory Of Everything' Really Mean In Physics?, Forbes Tech, January 10, 2018
- How Do We Know There Are Black Holes?, Huffington Post, January 3, 2018; also as Are There Any Gaps In Black Hole Theory?, Forbes Tech, January 8, 2018; and as How Do We Know That Black Holes Are Really Real?, Apple News, January 27, 2018
- What’s Missing From the Big Bang Theory?, Huffington Post, December 22, 2017; also as Is The Big Bang Theory Incomplete?, Forbes Tech, December 26, 2017; and as What's Missing From the Big Bang Theory?, Apple News, January 25, 2018
- How Do Quantum Fields Relate to the Way We Experience Everyday Life?, Apple News, December 19, 2017; also as What Is A Quantum Field, And How Does It Interact With Matter?, Forbes Tech, December 20, 2017; and as Think Quantum Fields Are Confusing? They’re What We’re Accustomed to Calling Matter, Huffington Post, December 20, 2017
- How Cold Is Outer Space?, Forbes Tech, November 30, 2017; also as Exactly How Cold Is Space?, Huffington Post, November 29, 2017
- Does Time Really Exist? According To Physics, That's The Wrong Question Entirely, Forbes Tech, November 28, 2017; also as Does Modern Physics Prove That Time is An Illusion?, Huffington Post, November 28, 2017
- Why Are Photons Considered Particles?, Forbes Tech, November 14, 2017; also as Are Photons Particles or Electromagnetic Waves? How Can They Be Both?, Huffington Post, November 14, 2017
- Do Seemingly Unsolvable Science Questions Point to a Supernatural Force?, Huffington Post, October 26, 2017; also as What We Know (And Don't Know) About The Very Beginning Of The Universe, Forbes Tech, November 3, 2017
- How Does a Gaseous Sun Have Gravitational Pull on Solid Planets?, Huffington Post, October 9, 2017; also as The Sun Is Not Solid But Its Gravitational Pull On Earth Is Unaffected, Here's Why, Forbes Tech, October 10, 2017; and as How Does the Sun Have Gravitational Pull on Planets When It Is All Gas?, Apple News, January 20, 2018
- What Existed Before the Big Bang?, Huffington Post, October 4, 2017; also in Forbes Tech online, October 5, 2017; and as What Was There Before the Big Bang?, Apple News, April 23, 2018
- Would The Universe Still Exist If No Life Existed To Observe It?, Forbes Tech online, September 25, 2017; also as Would the Universe Exist If There Was No One to Observe It?, Huffington Post, September 25, 2017; and as Would the Universe Exist If We Didn't Observe It?, Apple News, January 13, 2018
- What Causes Cosmic Voids?, Forbes Tech online, September 12, 2017; also as Why is There So Much Empty Space in Space?, Huffington Post, September 13, 2017; also as What Causes Cosmic Voids?, Apple News, January 4, 2018
- Does The Universe Have Physical Boundaries?, Forbes Tech online, August 29, 2017; also as Does the Universe Have Physical Boundaries?, Huffington Post, August 30, 2017; and as Does the Universe Have Observable Boundaries?, Apple News, December 16, 2017
- Theoretical Physics Is More Important To Everyday Life Than Most People Think, Forbes Tech online, July 19, 2017; also as Why Should Normal People Bother Learning About Theoretical Physics?, Huffington Post, July 20, 2017; and as Modern Life's Practicalities Are Built on a Foundation of Theoretical Physics, Apple News, August 16, 2017
- Is There Anything That Can Travel Faster Than Light?, Forbes Tech online, July 13, 2017; also as Why Can't Anything Move Faster Than the Speed of Light?, Huffington Post, July 11, 2017; and as Is It True That Nothing is Faster Than Light?, Apple News, August 8, 2017
- Why Does Our Sun – a White Star – Appear to Be Orange?, Huffington Post, June 26, 2017; also as Our Sun Is A White Star, So Why Does It Appear Orange?, Forbes Tech online, June 27, 2017; as What Makes the Sun Appear Orange?, Apple News, July 3, 2017; as Why Does the Sun Appear Orange, Mental Floss, July 7, 2017; and as Why Does the Sun Appear Orange, MSN, July 7, 2017
- Why Nuclear Reactor Meltdowns Create Radiation That Lasts For Centuries, Forbes Tech online, June 21, 2017; also as Nuclear Bombs and Nuclear Reactor Meltdowns Affect the Environment in Very Different Ways, Huffington Post, June 22, 2017
- If Time Freezes At The Edge Of A Black Hole, Could Someone Theoretically Live Forever?, Forbes Tech online, May 25, 2017; also as Is it Possible to Live Forever at the Edge of a Black Hole? Huffington Post, May 31, 2017; and as Since Time Freezes at the Edge of a Black Hole, Could You Live Forever There?, Apple News, June 4, 2017
- The Marriage Of Einstein's Theory Of Relativity And Quantum Physics Depends On The Pull Of Gravity, Forbes Tech online, May 17, 2017; also as Can Quantum Physics and Relativity Co-Exist?, Huffington Post, May 18, 2017; and as The Ongoing Conflict Between Einstein's Relativity and Quantum Physics, Apple News, May 23, 2017
- Why Do General Relativity And Quantum Mechanics Need To Be Unified?, Forbes Tech online, April 13, 2017; also as Why Is It Important to Reconcile Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity?, Huffington Post, April 14, 2017
- A History Of The Scientific Understanding Of Heat, Forbes Tech online, March 31, 2017; also as The Scientific Theory That Failed Combustion Engine Advancement, Huffington Post, April 3, 2017
- Will The Sun Become A Black Hole When It Dies?, Forbes Tech online, March 20, 2017; also Huffington Post, March 21, 2017
- Why Is the Speed Of Light Considered The Cosmic Speed Limit?, Forbes Tech online, March 13, 2017
- Why Can't Scientists Find Planet 9?, Viktor T. Toth, Forbes Tech online, January 31, 2017
- If Energy Can't Be Created Or Destroyed, Why Can We Use It?, Viktor T. Toth, Forbes Tech online, January 4, 2017
- How Astronomers 'See' Cosmic Events From 12 Billion Years Ago, Viktor T. Toth, Forbes Tech online, December 27, 2016
- Why Einstein's elegant theory of relativity has stood the test of time, Viktor T. Toth, Forbes Tech online, December 2, 2016
- Nobody has proved Einstein wrong about relativity, but people are still trying, Viktor T. Toth, Forbes Tech online, November 30, 2016
- Is theoretical physics a waste of resources?, Viktor T. Toth, Forbes Tech online, September 14, 2016
- Are we alone in the Universe?, Viktor T. Toth, Forbes Tech online, July 19, 2016
- Finding the Source of the Pioneer Anomaly, Viktor T. Toth and Slava G. Turyshev, IEEE Spectrum, December 2012 (cover story)
- Study of the Pioneer Anomaly: A scientific detective story, Viktor T. Toth, arXiv:0903.0075 [], invited article in The Postgraduate Magazine 2007;1:24-30 (School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne)